All You Need to Know for the $PIRATE LaunchAhoy, Pirates! Are you ready for the unveiling of the $PIRATE token?Jun 13, 20243Jun 13, 20243
Captain’s Guide to the Seven SeasTo join the thousands of Pirates sailing and making their way, ye will need to become a Pirate yerself. Read on to learn how, me hearty.Jun 7, 20243Jun 7, 20243
Introducing: The Proof of Play MultichainToday marks the launch of the first blockchain in the Proof of Play Multichain: Apex. Powering our flagship game, Pirate Nation, this…Mar 8, 20242Mar 8, 20242
Combat v2: Reinventing Combat in Pirate NationToday we launch our shiny new combat system — aptly named.. *drum roll* … Combat v2!Aug 24, 20231Aug 24, 20231
Pirate Nation’s New Horizons: From Founder’s Pirates to Free-to-Play PiratesAhoy, Pirate Nation! Free-to-Play is on the horizon. Soon, two distinct types of playable characters will exist in Pirate Nation.Aug 21, 2023Aug 21, 2023
Onchain VRF Optimized for GamingRandomness is a crucial element in many online multiplayer games, especially when it comes to things like loot drops, matchmaking, and…May 31, 2023May 31, 2023
Gasless, Signless, SeamlessAt Proof of Play we’re building products & systems to enable the mass-adoption of web3-powered games. In everything we do, we challenge…Apr 13, 2023Apr 13, 2023
Mirroring: Trade on L1 // Play on L2/L3To protect the integrity of the Founder’s Pirate collection as part of our launch on our custom L3 networks, we launched Mirroring: new…Mar 30, 2023Mar 30, 2023