Royalties, what are they good for? (Turns out, a lot)
Feb 2024 Update — Farewell, OpenSea.
We believe in royalties and always have. In October 2022 we published the below blog outlining our thoughts on royalties. We still stand by everything we wrote, especially from the position we’ve grown into over a year later.
We’ve built our NFT contracts in a flexible manner, with some fail-safes built in — such as the optionality to allow or disallow marketplaces to list Pirate Nation collections. To date, we haven’t blocked any major 3rd party marketplaces, but as of February 28th 2024 we have blocked OpenSea.
Founder’s Pirates can no longer be traded on OpenSea. This is a direct result of OpenSea’s decision not to enforce creator royalties, as laid out in their August 2023 blog post. We are open to reversing this decision should OpenSea change their policies.
We invite our community to use & enjoy the Proof of Play Marketplace, which has no marketplace fees, and has been optimized for our ecosystem & use case in a number of ways (for example — soulbound items cannot be listed). We think you’ll find it sea worthy and look forward to hearing what features you’d like to see next. 🫡