The Very Best Pirates Deserve Their BOOTY (Points)

Pirate Nation


Ahoy, Pirates!

The Pirate Nation team is giving away a brand new treasure to all the deserving Pirates who’ve stuck with us on our exciting voyage: BOOTY Points!

Claim yours now at!

What are BOOTY Points?

Booty Points are an offchain points system we used to reward Pirate Nation players and collectors based on their onchain activity. They are meant to help gauge the most active and committed players in our ecosystem and help quantify how much we value their engagement and contributions to Pirate Nation and its development.

We’ll be adding a leaderboard soon so that players can compete to see who can accumulate the most BOOTY!

Keep your eyes on the horizon for more announcements coming soon.

How were BOOTY Points calculated?

We wanted to award the players and collectors who have been with us since we set sail. Here’s the breakdown on the BOOTY Points reward allocation:

  • Minted a Founder’s Pirate: 5,000 BOOTY Points
  • Holding multiple Founder’s Pirates: 10,000 BOOTY Points per Founder’s Pirate held, plus 1,000 per 30 days each Pirate was held
  • Minted a Gen1 Pirate: 500 BOOTY Points
  • Owning Ships:
  • Level 1 Ship: +250 BOOTY Points, plus 25 per 30 days held
  • Level 2 Ship: +1,000 BOOTY Points, plus 100 per 30 days held
  • Level 3 Ship: +4,000 BOOTY Points, plus 400 per 30 days held
  • Bridged a Founder’s Pirate to Polygon: 5,000 BOOTY Points
  • Minted a Mystery Chest (and held Command Rank 4 or higher): 500 BOOTY Points
  • Received the distinction of Honorable Pirate: 200,000 BOOTY Points
  • Held (at the time of the snapshot) a Rogue Galleon: 5,000 BOOTY Points, plus 500 per 30 days it was held
  • Participated in the World Boss Event: 1,000 BOOTY Points
  • Owning Shipwrights: 10,000 BOOTY Points per Shipwright held
  • Overall Leaderboard ranking:
  • First place: 5,000 BOOTY Points
  • Second through tenth place: 1,250 BOOTY Points
  • Participating in the Forgotten Gods Event: 500 BOOTY Points
  • Joining Team Broseph in the Forgotten Gods Event: 1,000 BOOTY Points

Note that the 30-day holding bonuses only work in increments of 30. Holding for 29 days or less would offer no bonuses, while 31 to 59 days would offer only one bonus to BOOTY Points.

Why do you want BOOTY Points?

BOOTY Points will provide a fun way for Pirates to brag about how important they are to the history of Pirate Nation and might just be used to determine rewards further out to sea.

Soon, you’ll all be saying YARGH for BOOTY Points.



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